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Bea Review 2015: Life Edition!

Life Review for 2015, yay! I got this meme by Googling "end of the year meme," hahaha.

1. What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
  • Quit a job
  • Learned to knit and crochet
  • Subbed (subtitled) a Japanese video on my own, from translation to timing to typesetting to encoding and all that jazz
  • Attended more than one concert (I attended FIVE)
  • Made a large purchase for the house (A FLATSCREEN TV!)
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions and will you make more for next year?
My New Year's resolution for 2015 was to be healthier physically and emotionally, and also to be more honest with myself and with other people. I think I kept all of them, though not at all opportunities.

3.  Did anyone close to you give birth?
My cousins, Ate Erica and Ate Tabby! My cousin-in-law Ate Haylee!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
The person I consider my mentor in all things research-related, and also my general life role-model, Ma'am Tess Batangan passed away this year. The world got a little bit dimmer.

5. What places did you visit?
Not very many places! I actually stayed in my area for the whole year, I think. I look forward to travelling in the future though!

6. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
I don't really like focusing on things I don't have, so I'm gonna say I'll welcome any and all improvements in 2016!

7. What dates from 2015 will remain etched on your memory, and why?
Hmm, none come to mind. I'm not really the type to keep track of dates for sentimentality?

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I've learned not to try and control every aspect of my life, because that way lies madness, haha. Also, I lost 20 pounds (though after the holiday eats, that number's probably a bit lower HAHA)!

9. What was your biggest failure?
There were a lot of times where I beat myself up for things that were out of control. I also failed to control my negative thoughts in that whenever something bad happened, I spiraled almost immediately into some pretty dark thoughts. Yikes.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yep, my disc bulge, as usual. I think I got a fever once or twice, but nothing huge. My left elbow also acted up a bit during physical therapy (how ironic), but it's all good now!

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Definitely the flatscreen TV. Hahaha. EVERYTHING'S SO HUGE NOW it makes me so happy ♥ My sister jokes I'm married to my TV, but tbh, I might as well be, haha.

12. Where did most of your money go?
Honestly, unnecessary but nevertheless much loved and appreciate Avengers merchandise ♥

13. What did you get really excited about?
AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON! The Civil War trailer! Getting to teach for the first time! Using the new TV! Dividing my files into Japanese files and English files because I got a new hard drive! MAKING LECHE FLAN! Marriage equality in the US! Amazing shows and movies! Experiencing newfound time and freedom by working part time! Meeting new people and making new friends! Reading new fanfic! STARTING THIS BLOG! THERE'S SO MUCH TO BE EXCITED ABOUT!

14. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I mean, any time a person is a decent person, I think that merits celebration. Haha. SO YAY YOU IF YOU WERE A GOOD PERSON THIS YEAR!

15. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Some students kasi pasaway yung iba, huhu. Also, the people who perpetuate the usual social injustices. Come on, people!

16. What song will always remind you of 2015?
Much as I hate it, probably the stupid Nae Nae song. But in terms of songs I actually like, probably LA Hallucinations by CRJ, Ai wo Sakebe by Arashi, and/or Drag Me Down by One Direction. Haha. Also, Hello by Adele.

17. Compared to 2014 are you —
Happier or Sadder? So much happier, to be honest!
Fatter or thinner? I can actually say with confidence that I got a little thinner! Yay exercise and healthier eating habits! ^_^
Richer or poorer? Well, slightly richer in terms of overall pay, but poorer since I have more time and therefore spend more money. HAHA.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Tried more new things! Been more assertive with authority figures! Saved up more, hahaha!

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worry and complain.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
The eve and early morning, I spent dancing the night away with the Dans clan and getting an unhealthy amount of Avengers-related gifts. The morning/afternoon, I spent with the Lees, and the evening, I had dinner and played board games with the Danses again. Yay family!

21. What was/were your favorite TV program/s?
SO MANY! Daredevil, Kimmy Schmidt, B99, GBBO, Survivor, and Agents of SHIELD were my top 5, but I also really loved Agent Carter (honestly it's the best show ever), Arashi ni Shiyagare (BLESS THE NEW FORMAT AND SHO'S OSHINOBI CORNER), and so far, Jessica Jones! Read more about 'em here!!

22. What were your favorite books of the year?
OH! The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester, Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman, and I'm looking forward to reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell soon, hehe.

23. What were your favorite films of the year?
Pitch Perfect 2, Inside Out, Ant-Man, Star Wars, and Heneral Luna! Again, read about 'em here!

24. Did you fall in love?
A little bit more, with life. Naks. HAHAHA but in the traditional sense of the word, nope.

25. What did you do for your birthday in 2015?
I treated my friends out! Also had a nice dinner (or was it lunch) with my family!

26. Did you make new friends this year?

27. What did you want and get?
LOTS OF MERCHANDISE. A TV where I can actually read the subtitles without it being cut off down below. Also, my back pain to go away (even if it's never going to permanently go away).

28. What did you want and not get?
To travel, really!

29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I had traveled, maybe. Or if I experienced some sort of Life Milestone? I think those vary depending on the person, but yeah.

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
Superhero shirts and jeans, and/or "try to look respectable for the students."

31. What kept you sane?
My family. Then again, they also kept me insane, so it's a 50-50 thing. Haha.

32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Chris Evans ♥

33. What political issue stirred you the most?

34. Who did you miss?
My mom whenever she's in Davao, my brother when he went to Hong Kong. My college friends whenever we couldn't see each other for long periods of time.

35. What important things did you learn in 2015?

  • Choose your battles. You don't have to fight for literally everything, especially if it'll end up with a bigger mess than when you started, haha.
  • You don't have to fight alone. I'm lucky enough to have a pretty sturdy support system, so I even though I had some pretty low lows, I never felt abandoned or anything like that.
  • Don't be afraid to be speak up! Working various jobs means I have multiple bosses and co-workers, and honestly, it's so much easier to communicate what you're thinking rather than saying yes to everything just to get things over with.
  • Don't be afraid of your emotions!! Feel sad when you're sad! Shout from the rooftops if you're happy! Be excited about things!!! As long as you're not hurting anyone, be open to feeling what you're feeling! It sounds like a given, but honestly, I've seen too much this year to think otherwise. Haha.
  • Live and let live. If there's anything my perpetual back pain has taught me, it's that life's much too short to care too much what other people think, and to care too much about other people in terms of judging them negatively. Just keep doing you, keep improving yourself in ways you believe are right, and keep your head up. Brush off other people's negativity, because they're not living your life - you are.
  • In the same vein, let other people do their thing too. My personal mantra is to encourage other people to do what they want (again, if it's not hurting other people), and to be happy for as many people as possible. No to social comparison! 👍🏼
  • Shit happens, but unless it's life-threatening diarrhea, it's probably not going to continuously happen forever. Haha. Contrary to Gandalf's opinion, this, too, shall pass. :)
Bye, 2015! Here we go, 2016! ♥♥

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