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Bea Reviews 2015: Media Edition!

Above: an actual thing that happened in 2015. Thanks, RDJ.

I usually do this on my LiveJournal account but I have a Review Blog that's been empty for a while now because I've been airing out my surface thoughts on social media, so why not! So how I do this is I have categories and I write my Top 5 [Things] per category. This year, I'm doing Top 5: Fandoms, movies, shows, artists/albums, and events.

The lists are media-heavy, so I looked for a code to work into the post so you can toggle showing the each section. Don't mind the weird spacing between each section, the code is just confused sometimes, haha. Also, give each section a moment to load in case your RAM/connection can't handle it, hahaha. It loads fine on my laptop though, but yeah, LOTS OF RECOMMENDATIONS. 2015 was a great year for media consumption. Yay 2015!

Top 5's!





[TOP 5... EVENTS??]


Top 5 Memes: 

Top 5 Time Waster Websites: 

  • Buzzfeed
  • Tumblr (except for when fandom got Too Much)
  • Oh No They Didn't! (MY LOVE, MY LIFE)
  • YouTube
  • ... and ofc Facebook (again, except toward the end of the year because of politics)

So, that's basically it for me and my year of PERPETUALLY CONSUMING MEDIA. Hahahaha. I'll write another Year in Review for things like reflections and all that, but I'll probably post it as a separate entry. :) Happy holidays, everyone! ♥

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